Monday, October 3, 2016

Week of October 3rd- 7th

Our most recent craft project

Math- We are using the vocabulary words subtract and difference. We will be playing a game where you turn over 2 cards and subtract to find the difference, We are reinforcing that you start with the big number when subtracting (ex. 7-4=? not 4-7=?). At times, we will be "using our fingers", counting on or drawing a "math picture" to subtract if we need to. For those that solve the problems "in their head", we will be explaining our thinking. "How could you teach someone to solve that problem?" We have also been working with sums of 10 and "turn around" facts as well. 

Writing- We will be finishing our first writing unit, The Writing community. During this first unit, students practice the social skills of working responsibly, listening respectfully to the thinking of others, sharing their own thinking, and taking turns talking and listening. These skills are helping the students build a supportive writing community. Your child will be sharing some writing with you when we meet during conference time later in the month. 

Spelling- This week we are working with the short o sound (octopus). Our words are: MOM, HOT, POT, POP, MOP, THAT, IT, HE, WAS 

REMINDERS- There is no school Friday, October 7th due to teacher inservice. 

Enjoy your week!

Miss O'Neil

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