Thursday, October 13, 2016

A few quick notes

Here is the information on how to sign up for conferences:

To pick a time slot, enter the link in your internet browser:

At that link, you will be asked for your Entry Code, where you should enter:


I am looking forward to seeing both you and you child at the conference.

Next week we will be continuing to write and illustrate out stories about a favorite animal. We will continue to add more to our words and pictures, use spaces between our words and end a sentence with  punctuation. We will continue to tell stories orally before writing. After sharing our stories, each story will be put into a class book to read during free reading time. This week, we made cards for bus driver appreciation week.

During math, we will be working on solving number stories and using number models for addition and subtraction. We will continue to explain how we solved number stories. Draw a math picture, use a number model to add or subtract, count up or back on a number grid or number line, count on from a number and use blocks or other manipulatives to count are some strategies we have been working on.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Week of October 3rd- 7th

Our most recent craft project

Math- We are using the vocabulary words subtract and difference. We will be playing a game where you turn over 2 cards and subtract to find the difference, We are reinforcing that you start with the big number when subtracting (ex. 7-4=? not 4-7=?). At times, we will be "using our fingers", counting on or drawing a "math picture" to subtract if we need to. For those that solve the problems "in their head", we will be explaining our thinking. "How could you teach someone to solve that problem?" We have also been working with sums of 10 and "turn around" facts as well. 

Writing- We will be finishing our first writing unit, The Writing community. During this first unit, students practice the social skills of working responsibly, listening respectfully to the thinking of others, sharing their own thinking, and taking turns talking and listening. These skills are helping the students build a supportive writing community. Your child will be sharing some writing with you when we meet during conference time later in the month. 

Spelling- This week we are working with the short o sound (octopus). Our words are: MOM, HOT, POT, POP, MOP, THAT, IT, HE, WAS 

REMINDERS- There is no school Friday, October 7th due to teacher inservice. 

Enjoy your week!

Miss O'Neil

Monday, September 26, 2016

Week of September 26th- 30th

Happy Monday! I hope you all enjoyed the lovely fall weekend we had- it looks like the Fall weather is here to stay!

Last week we read The Kindness Quilt by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace. The Kindness Quilt is a story about a class doing a special project on kindness. At first the character is unsure of what she should do her project on but she continues to do kind things for the people in her life and comes up with the idea to build a kindness quilt to display all of her acts of kindness. When she presents it to her class they decide to join in! The kindness grew and grew! As a class we decided to build our own kindness quilt and show our hallway how easy it can be to spread kindness!

Math- For the next few weeks we will begin learning strategies for solving addition problems. We will create a class "strategy wall" that lists all of the strategies we learn and practice. Some of the strategies we will use include counting on, using the turn-around-rule, and using pairs of numbers that add to 10 (such as 3 and 6, or 9 and 1). 

Writing- This week, we are continuing to generate ideas for stories. We will be drawing a picture and writing about "What I want to be". We will be learning how to add details to our stories and picture and sharing our writing. Our class has come up with some really great ideas for what they want to be when they grow up. I look forward to your student sharing their story with you! You may have a future zoo keeper, pharmacist, teacher or scientist on your hands!

Spelling- This week we are working with the short i sound (like insect) and final x (like fox). Our spelling words are IT, SIT, FIX, SIX, IN, TO, YOU, IS. 

We will be doing several craft projects this week- check back later this week to see their work before it is sent home! 

Enjoy your week!

Miss O'Neil

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

September 19th Weekly Update

I would like to thank you all for the school supplies for our classroom. It was very generous of you. we are putting out supplies to good use!

As we have started our year together, we are building our classroom community. We have a morning meeting every day where we greet each other and discuss our daily schedule.

Math Update-
We have been working on our first math unit. We have been counting, skip counting, estimating, working with number lines and our calendar routine.

Writing Update-
We have begun our Being a Writer, writing lessons. This week, we are generating ideas for stories. We will be drawing a picture and writing about "things I can do". We will be learning how to add details to our stories and picture and sharing our writing. When sharing, we will commenting on what we notice and like about our classmate's work. We will be saving our writing in our writing folder.

Spelling Update-
I have sent your student home with their first week of spelling homework! The spelling words are a combination of commonly used words in reading/writing and words containing the phonics skill being taught each week in class. Once they have demonstrated mastery on the quiz, they will be expected to spell the words correctly in their daily writing!
The activities attached to the spelling words are designed to help your students learn and have fun! Please have your student complete one activity each night Monday through Thursday. It is important to spread out the activities and not complete them in one night.
The students will be assessed on Fridays. Please take a moment to make sure that your student in ready to take the quiz before he/she hands in their packet. On weeks we have Friday's off the assessment will be on Thursday. Spelling Words: at, cat. can, back, sack, the, of, and, a. 

Printing Update-
We have started our Handwriting Without Tears printing lessons and are working on our Magic C letters, how to hold our pencil and focusing on doing "quality work".

It takes quite a while for kids to adjust to being back at school and the routine & expectations of being a first grader. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I will contact you if I have any questions as well.

Enjoy your week!

Miss O'Neil

P.S. - Don't forget that Wednesday is a half day!

Welcome First Grade Families!

Welcome to our first grade blog! We will be using this blog as a space to post updates from our classroom, talk about fun activities we are doing, and to give our families a look into first grade.

I will be updating our blog once every week- so please check back at the start of each week to see what is new!